- Savta пишет:
- Няха пишет:
- 4 балла потеряли на твиззлах
Твизлы 4 уровня и заминусованы. Это как?
всем хана, я нашла наисвежайшую методичку по танцам на льду (добавлю в школу юного арбитра).
Так вот, согласно ей, 4 уровень сложности для твиззлов определяется:
entry edge and different
direction of rotation of the two Twizzles
At least
4 rotations in each of the two Twizzles
At least
4 different Additional Features from
3 different GroupsПеревожу:
Разные рёбра входа и разные направления вращения на двух твиззлах
Интерпретирую: то есть на первую секцию заходим с внутреннего ребра, значит во вторую надо идти с наружнего и если крутились по часовой, то во второй секции надо крутиться против часовой.
Хотя бы 4 вращения в каждом из двух твиззлов
Хотя бы 4 дополнительных фичи и 3 разных групп
Интерпретирую: наличие по 4 пунктов из следующих групп
уф... сейчас мне лень переводить, как-нибудь потом
Group A (upper body and hands):
Группа А (верхняя часть туловища и руки): elbow(s) at least at level with or higher than the level of the shoulders (hand(s) could be above the head, same level as the head, or lower than the head);
локти хотя бы на уровне плеч или выше уровня плеч (руки могу быть над головой, на уровне головы, или ниже головы)
significant continuous motion of arms;
существенное непрерывное движение рук
hands clasped behind back and extended away from the body;
straight arms clasped in front and extended away from the body (between the waist and chest level and lower that the level of shoulders);
core of body is shifted off vertical axis.
Group B (skating leg and free leg):
Coupée in front or behind with free foot in contact with the skating leg in an open hip position;
holding the blade or boot of the free foot;
free leg crossed behind above the knee;
free leg held out (i.e. extended or bent with an angle of 90 degrees or more between thigh and shin, to the front, to the side or to the back or combination
of those) at 45 degrees or more from vertical;
sit position (at least 90 degrees between the thigh and shin of the skating leg);
changing the level of the skating leg (knee) with a continuous motion.
Group C (pattern, entry, exit):
both partners perform a third Twizzle of at least 3 rotations, performed correctly, started with different entry edge than the first two Twizzles, and
preceded by a maximum of one step for Set of Sequential Twizzles or a maximum of three steps for Set of Synchronized Twizzles;
Set of Twizzles performed side by side in opposite direction (mirror), without crossing the other skater's pattern;
entry to the first or second Twizzle from a Dance Jump (the entry edge for the Twizzle will be determined by the landing edge of the Dance Jump);
Set of Twizzles performed on one foot without change of foot, with no limit on turns or movements performed on one foot between Twizzles;
Set of Twizzles performed directly from difficult/creative, intricate or unexpected entry.
A chosen Additional Feature shall be considered for Level if it is executed simultaneously by both partners.
A chosen Additional Feature from Groups A and B shall be considered for a Level if it is fully achieved and established:
- within the first half rotation of the Twizzle, and
- held until the number of rotations needed for that Level is fully completed (2 rotations for Level 2, 3 rotations for Level 3, 4 rotations for Level 4).
There is no limit on turns or movements performed on one foot on the change of foot or the steps between Twizzles
ЗЫ короче видимо Гриша и Настя сделали 2 секции твиззлов хорошо, и этого было достаточно для 4го уровня, а на третьей что-то пошло не так... и было падение (отсюда балл штрафа и отрицательные гое)
Жду видео.